
Systematic Kinesiology

Systematic Kinesiology is a natural approach to health and well-being which uses muscle testing to gather information from the body.


Systematic Kinesiology is a non-invasive method of Muscle Testing and Energy Balancing.  It looks at the whole person including Mental, Chemical, Physical, and Energetic systems of the body, MCPE for short;  

  • Mental – stress, worries, thoughts, fears, phobias

  • Chemistry – water, food, nutrition, food sensitivity, toxins, hormones

  • Physical – muscles, bones, joints, posture

  • Electrical/Energy Meridians

We understand that everything in the body is connected. Pain and discomfort in one area may be due to a weakness or imbalance elsewhere. For example knee and foot pain is often the result of hip muscles not working properly.


80% of day to day health problems which we feel are not important enough to visit the doctor about can be helped with Systematic Kinesiology.  Examples of some of these include:

  • Aches and pains – muscles, joints, back, knee, shoulders, hips, jaws, neck

  • Asthma, allergies, colds, flu’s, headaches

  • Digestive problems - diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, reflux 

  • Hormonal issues, period pains

  • Skin conditions

  • Anxieties, depression, fatigue

  • Fears & phobias

  • Learning & behavioural challenges

  • Self esteem concerns

  • Improving the quality of sleep

  • Viruses and post viral syndrome


A client is asked to put their arms and legs in a number of specific positions, and to hold the limb steady.

The Practitioner applies a gentle pressure on the limb for two to three seconds, and then releases that pressure.

  • Each muscle is controlled by electrical circuits in the body, and when these circuits are considered balanced, the muscle will not move under the gentle pressure.

  • If the muscle does move slightly when the pressure is applied, it indicates that there in an imbalance in that circuit and the associated organs.

  • These imbalances can exist for many reasons, and further assessment is undertaken to establish the underlying cause.


A treatment starts with an assessment to establish where the energy imbalances are, and how energy can be restored. Once the imbalances are identified, the kinesiologist will use various correction techniques to restore balance and improve your body's function. These techniques may include;

  • Acupressure, meridian balancing

  • Stress reduction techniques

  • Nutritional recommendations

  • Holding neuro-vascular points on the head to ensure that the muscles receive a good blood supply which is necessary for them to work properly.

  • Rubbing neuro-lymphatic reflexes on the body to ensure the muscles are nourished and waste products are removed in the lymph fluid.

  • The specific techniques used will depend on your individual needs.

Usui Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique. The predominate form of reiki practiced throughout the world today, also known as Usui reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It is a complementary or alternative health approach. 

The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui reiki addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Reiki does not directly cure diseases or illnesses. Instead, it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.

In 2021 I answered a calling to Reiki Teachings and completed a comprehensive Reiki Diploma course with the Reiki School of Ireland. The course was led by Lisa Lynch, an amazing teacher and support. It began as a journey of self discovery and self healing, but I continued to complete all levels of training and become a Reiki Master and Practitioner in December 2021.


1. Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigue

2. Treats depression

3. Enhances quality of life

4. Boosts mood

5. May improve some symptoms and conditions

Reiki may also be used to treat headache, tension, insomnia and nausea. The relaxation response that happens with Reiki may benefit these symptoms.

Rahanni Celestial Healing 

Rahanni works by balancing the masculine and feminine (Yin and Yang) aspects of each individual. It vibrates on a much higher level than any other healing modality at this time and therefore is a much deeper healing treatment.

Rahanni means “Of One Heart” and is a gentle, yet effective therapy that heals very deeply at heart level. Rahanni helps us to surrender, let go and detach from fear and negative thinking by connecting to and balancing the heart centre, opening you up to your own truth, love and compassion.

Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time. It raises the vibration of the receiver to a much higher level of spiritual understanding, expanding the aura and helping with a change in consciousness.


Calms the mind

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Relieves stress and tension in the body

  • Restores balance to Mind, Body and Spirit

  • Releases fear based thoughts

Rahanni Celestial healing can help alleviate many forms of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical issues.

Due to the deep sense of relaxation and tranquillity that may be experienced during a treatment, Rahanni is recommended for anybody that may be feeling particularly stressed or out of balance and in need of a more positive outlook.